


购买 Nimbus 积分后是否允许退款?

购买 Nimbus 积分套餐不允许退款。积分一经购买,即为最终积分,不可退换现金或积分。

能否将 Nimbus 积分与促销代码叠加使用?

可以,您可以将 Nimbus 积分与促销代码结合使用。例如,如果服务的总价值为 90 美元,而您有一个可享受 10 美元折扣的促销代码,则剩余的付款金额为 80 美元。您可以选择使用 Nimbus 积分来支付这笔余额,也就是说,90 美元的服务减去 10 美元的促销代码折扣后,您需要 80 个 Nimbus 积分。

我可以将我的 Nimbus 积分转移到另一个账户吗?

Nimbus 积分仅供个人使用,不可转让给其他账户。


是的,您可以使用 Nimbus 积分抵消部分预订费用。首先,通过 Nimbus Homes App 进行预订。然后,进入 "我的预订 "选项卡,选择您希望部分抵消的时段,并按下 "扣除 "按钮。输入您希望使用 Nimbus 积分支付的金额。服务完成后,将仅从您的关联信用卡中扣除余额,而 Nimbus 积分将用于支付您指定的部分。

我可以将我的 Nimbus 积分兑换成现金吗?

否,Nimbus 积分不被视为法定货币,不能作为现金兑换或提取。积分仅在购买 Nimbus Home Services Pte Ltd 提供的商品和服务时有效。

我的 Nimbus 积分是否会过期?

是的,Nimbus 积分的有效期为 12 个月,从购买积分的当月月底算起。例如,如果您在 2023 年 11 月 01 日购买积分,则积分将在 2024 年 11 月 01 日到期。通过 "赚取积分 "或购买新的 Nimbus 积分套餐累积的每一个新积分都会延长有效期。

我不想使用 Nimbus Homes App;客户支持部门是否可以代我进行预订并使用我的 Nimbus 积分?

我们的客户支持团队无法访问个人钱包余额,以确保您的账户安全和隐私。因此,所有使用 Nimbus 积分的预订必须由您通过 Nimbus Homes App 进行。该政策可维护您的账户详情和积分余额的完整性和保密性。我们的客户支持团队可为您提供一般咨询和指导。


赚取的积分是指通过完成特定服务积累的 Nimbus 积分,可用于抵消未来的预订。这些积分可根据您的消费或服务价值以零碎金额获得。

如果我取消或重新安排预订,我的 Nimbus 积分会发生什么变化?

对您的 Nimbus 积分的影响取决于您何时取消或重新安排预订:

  • 对于提前取消/重新安排(课程开始前 24 小时或更早):持有的金额(可能包括 Nimbus 积分)将全部返还到您的 Nimbus 钱包中。这意味着,如果您提前取消或重新安排,您的 Nimbus 积分将被安全保留,以供将来使用。
  • 对于延迟取消/重新安排(在课程开始前 24 小时内):将从您的持有金额中扣除罚金。扣除这些费用后,剩余的 Nimbus 积分将存入您的钱包。
如果删除我的帐户,我的 Nimbus 积分会发生什么变化?

如果您选择关闭账户,您 Nimbus 积分余额中的剩余积分将被没收。



  • 它可作为潜在费用的储备金,用于管理延迟取消或重新安排的情况。
  • 它可防止支付失败,特别是当您的 Nimbus 钱包中可能余额不足时。这确保了可靠、无忧的服务体验,降低了与最后一刻变更和支付问题相关的风险。
How do I file a claim with Nimbus for damages incurred during the service?

We strive to ensure that all our customers' belongings are protected during our service. However, if any items are damaged as a direct result of our service, we commit to providing fair compensation.

To file a claim, please contact us within 24 hours of the completed service with evidence of the damage and proof that it was caused by our service. Once the claim is verified, you have two options for repair or replacement:

  1. Engage a third-party service provider: Send us the quotation before proceeding. Nimbus must agree to the quotation for the claim to be valid.
  2. Request Nimbus to handle the repairs if applicable

For items that cannot be repaired or replaced, please provide a receipt or proof of cost to validate the claim.


我们的员工只能执行规定的任务,而不能从事预订范围之外的工作(例如,当预订的服务是家政服务时,就不能照顾孩子)。如有任何超出员工工作范围的额外任务都应 与我们的客服人员沟通,我们会尽量配合。




只有在服务严重不达标或服务不符合约定条款的情况下,我们才会提供部分或全额退款。Nimbus Homes 保留是否全额或部分退款的权利。



提前24 小时:免费

少过24 小时:额外收取 10 新币


Yes, you may tip your crew once the service is completed and you have given them a star rating.

The tipping feature is available in both the App and the Web Booking Site.

Please note however that you can only tip your crew if you have an account with us.
As such we encourage all users to sign up for an account at book.nimbushomes.com.


You can make payment via Credit Card. Our Credit Card payments are secured by Stripe. To avoid card processing fees, you can consider purchasing Nimbus Points packages using PayNow instead, to be used for your future bookings. Learn more about Nimbus Points here

Nimbus Homes 提供哪些清洁剂和工具?



- 海绵
- 金属擦
- 超细纤维布(蓝色、红色和绿色)
- 玻璃布
- 喷壶
- 多用途清洁膏
- 多用途清洁液
- 玻璃清洁液
- 厨房去油剂


You can view the housekeepers' individual availability on our booking site. However, certain housekeepers may be very fully booked. To ensure that you get the same preferred housekeeper every time, we recommend making a recurring booking of the same day and time every week, which will secure the time of your preferred housekeeper.








- 真空吸尘器或带簸箕的扫帚
- 带拖把杆的拖把或喷雾拖把
- 2L 桶(或任何小桶)
- 带拖把绞盘的桶
- 马桶刷

How do I file a claim with Nimbus for damages incurred during the service?

We strive to ensure that all our customers' belongings are protected during our service. However, if any items are damaged as a direct result of our service, we commit to providing fair compensation.

To file a claim, please contact us within 24 hours of the completed service with evidence of the damage and proof that it was caused by our service. Once the claim is verified, you have two options for repair or replacement:

  1. Engage a third-party service provider: Send us the quotation before proceeding. Nimbus must agree to the quotation for the claim to be valid.
  2. Request Nimbus to handle the repairs if applicable

For items that cannot be repaired or replaced, please provide a receipt or proof of cost to validate the claim.

Will there be a supervisor for my move-in, move-out, post-renovation, or deep cleaning service?

Yes! A supervisor will be present alongside our professional team for every move-in, move-out, post-renovation, and deep cleaning service.

Please note that while the supervisor may not remain for the entire duration of the cleaning, they will minimally be there at the start to provide specific instructions to the cleaners and will return at the end to inspect the quality of work before completing the service.












6.客户满意后,主管拍摄 "事后 "照片,并在确认表上签字,工作即告完成。



如果房子里没有或几乎没有家具,则视为搬入/搬出/装修后清洁。 您可以点击此处查看我们的搬入/搬出清洁服务。



24 小时前:免费

不足 24 小时:罚款 50 美元



✅ 清洁橱柜(内部和外部)
✅ 清洁内部窗户、格栅和百叶窗
✅ 清洁家具下方并在必要时移动家具
✅ 清洁内部冰箱
✅ 深度清洁浴室
✅ 彻底擦拭门和金属门
✅ 彻底清洁阳台
✅ 吸尘、扫地和拖地
✅ 深度厨房清洁,包括电器内部
✅ 仅清除我们团队产生的垃圾

❌ 油漆墙壁和天花板的清洁
❌ 水泥和油漆污渍的清除
❌ 锅、盘子、餐具等的清洁
❌ 木工工程或修复工程(例如:墙壁修补或与室内设计和建筑有关的小型工程) ❌ 需要工人爬上 2 米以上高度的除尘工作。修饰墙壁或与室内设计和房屋建造有关的小型工程)
❌ 根据人力部安全准则要求工人攀爬 2 米以上高度的除尘工作
❌ 虫害防治
❌ 清洗或悬挂窗帘

Why do you need photos/videos of my house?

At Nimbus Homes, we request photos or videos of your house before performing our moving-in and moving-out cleaning services because this helps us determine the condition of the house and plan for the scope of work needed on the actual day of cleaning, as well as areas that they need to take care of.

Having a visual understanding of your property also allows us to provide accurate and transparent quotes for our services, ensuring that you receive fair and competitive pricing based on the specific cleaning requirements of your house.


Curtain cleaning is not included in the scope. However, we provide steaming of curtains, which will disinfect them and lift some stains. Take a look at our steaming services here, which can be an add-on to your move-in / move-out cleaning at a discounted price.


我们的团队能够攀爬到最高 2 米的高度。因此,他们能够安全地接触到天花板高度正常(2.5 - 3 米)的房屋内的固定装置。

但是,标准清洁不包括高天花板和装置(3 米以上)。如果您有此类装置需要清洁,请 联系我们的礼宾团队,获取单独报价。




How do I file a claim with Nimbus for damages incurred during the service?

We strive to ensure that all our customers' belongings are protected during our service. However, if any items are damaged as a direct result of our service, we commit to providing fair compensation.

To file a claim, please contact us within 24 hours of the completed service with evidence of the damage and proof that it was caused by our service. Once the claim is verified, you have two options for repair or replacement:

  1. Engage a third-party service provider: Send us the quotation before proceeding. Nimbus must agree to the quotation for the claim to be valid.
  2. Request Nimbus to handle the repairs if applicable

For items that cannot be repaired or replaced, please provide a receipt or proof of cost to validate the claim.

Will there be a supervisor for my move-in, move-out, post-renovation, or deep cleaning service?

Yes! A supervisor will be present alongside our professional team for every move-in, move-out, post-renovation, and deep cleaning service.

Please note that while the supervisor may not remain for the entire duration of the cleaning, they will minimally be there at the start to provide specific instructions to the cleaners and will return at the end to inspect the quality of work before completing the service.

When is the best time to book move-out cleaning services?

The best time to book move-out cleaning services is typically before vacating the property, aligned with the requirements of your lease or sale agreement and in consideration of your moving timeline.

At Nimbus Homes, we understand the importance of timing and coordination when it comes to move-out cleaning services, and we are committed to providing flexible scheduling options to accommodate our clients' needs during their moving process.

What's the difference between move-in and move-out cleaning and regular house cleaning services?

Regular house cleaning services typically cater to ongoing maintenance of a residence and are often scheduled on a recurring basis. These services focus on maintaining cleanliness and tidiness throughout the home, including routine tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and surface cleaning.

While move-in and move-out cleaning services are geared towards specific transitional periods, regular house cleaning aims to upkeep the overall cleanliness of the home on a consistent basis.

How much are house cleaning services?

The cost of house cleaning services can vary based on a multitude of factors, including the size of the house, the type of cleaning required, and the location. Custom jobs and other services, such as laundry or focused cleaning on specific areas, may also lead to variations in price. You may contact us to learn more about our rates and how we can accommodate your specific needs.

Why do you need photos/videos of my house?

At Nimbus Homes, we request photos or videos of your house before performing our moving-in and moving-out cleaning services because this helps us determine the condition of the house and plan for the scope of work needed on the actual day of cleaning, as well as areas that they need to take care of.

Having a visual understanding of your property also allows us to provide accurate and transparent quotes for our services, ensuring that you receive fair and competitive pricing based on the specific cleaning requirements of your house.


Curtain cleaning is not included in the scope. However, we provide steaming of curtains, which will disinfect them and lift some stains. Take a look at our steaming services here, which can be an add-on to your move-in / move-out cleaning at a discounted price.


我们的团队能够攀爬到最高 2 米的高度。因此,他们能够安全地接触到天花板高度正常(2.5 - 3 米)的房屋内的固定装置。

但是,标准清洁不包括高天花板和装置(3 米以上)。如果您有此类装置需要清洁,请 联系我们的礼宾团队,获取单独报价。

How do I file a claim with Nimbus for damages incurred during the service?

We strive to ensure that all our customers' belongings are protected during our service. However, if any items are damaged as a direct result of our service, we commit to providing fair compensation.

To file a claim, please contact us within 24 hours of the completed service with evidence of the damage and proof that it was caused by our service. Once the claim is verified, you have two options for repair or replacement:

  1. Engage a third-party service provider: Send us the quotation before proceeding. Nimbus must agree to the quotation for the claim to be valid.
  2. Request Nimbus to handle the repairs if applicable

For items that cannot be repaired or replaced, please provide a receipt or proof of cost to validate the claim.




24 小时前:免费

不足 24 小时:罚款 50 美元




是的,每蒸一张床垫,我们最多可免费蒸 4 个枕头。每蒸一张沙发,我们还将为每个座位免费蒸制最多 1 个靠垫。





室内装饰清洗是使用一种特殊的机器注入和去除室内装饰清洗剂来清洗织物。清洗后,物品会在 1 天内处于潮湿状态,因此物品在 1 天内不能使用。

How do I file a claim with Nimbus for damages incurred during the service?

We strive to ensure that all our customers' belongings are protected during our service. However, if any items are damaged as a direct result of our service, we commit to providing fair compensation.

To file a claim, please contact us within 24 hours of the completed service with evidence of the damage and proof that it was caused by our service. Once the claim is verified, you have two options for repair or replacement:

  1. Engage a third-party service provider: Send us the quotation before proceeding. Nimbus must agree to the quotation for the claim to be valid.
  2. Request Nimbus to handle the repairs if applicable

For items that cannot be repaired or replaced, please provide a receipt or proof of cost to validate the claim.


在 Nimbus Homes,我们为自己的工作感到自豪。因此,我们为超值油漆套餐提供 6 个月的服务保修,为高级油漆套餐提供 12 个月的服务保修。该保修仅适用于使用我们推荐的涂料粉刷的墙壁。



Nippon paint catalogue.


额外附加费用于运输和遵守 MSCT 的要求,包括限制时间、准入和批准。









超值套餐只包括白色油漆,而高级套餐则包括高级无味一体化油漆,颜色由您选择(最多 3 种颜色)。

如果您想选择油漆颜色,或者想要低挥发性有机化合物 (VOC) 的无味油漆,请选择高级套餐。


How do I file a claim with Nimbus for damages incurred during the service?

We strive to ensure that all our customers' belongings are protected during our service. However, if any items are damaged as a direct result of our service, we commit to providing fair compensation.

To file a claim, please contact us within 24 hours of the completed service with evidence of the damage and proof that it was caused by our service. Once the claim is verified, you have two options for repair or replacement:

  1. Engage a third-party service provider: Send us the quotation before proceeding. Nimbus must agree to the quotation for the claim to be valid.
  2. Request Nimbus to handle the repairs if applicable

For items that cannot be repaired or replaced, please provide a receipt or proof of cost to validate the claim.




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