Professional End Of Lease Cleaning

Be assured of getting your bond returned with our professional end of lease cleaning. Our professional bond cleaners will ensure your rental is sparkling clean and back to its original condition.

Moving out can be a hassle but getting your bond back is easy with Nimbus Homes


Professional End Of Lease Cleaning

Be assured of getting your bond returned with our professional end of lease cleaning. Our professional bond cleaners will ensure your rental is sparkling clean and back to its original condition.

Moving out can be a hassle but getting your bond back is easy with Nimbus Homes.

Need your carpets professionally cleaned? Our Carpet Cleaning Service will meet your bond requirements and leave your carpets fresh and clean.




General Areas including Living, Dining & Bedrooms

  • 所有表面,包括家具、架子、电灯开关和电子产品。
  • 壁架、门、门把手和把手。
  • 电视控制台、橱柜和衣柜的内部和外部。
  • 镜子和玻璃表面
  • 室内窗户和框架。
高度除尘/擦拭和清洁(天花板高度不超过 2 米)
  • 空调、墙角和天花板
  • 灯具和吊扇
  • 电视控制台、橱柜和衣柜的内部和外部。


  • 所有台面、表面和用具
  • 灶具、抽油烟机和背板
  • 橱柜内部、外部和把手
  • 水槽和水龙头
  • Exterior and Interior of the microwave, refrigerator, washing machine and dryer (where applicable)


  • 卫生间、淋浴间、水槽和浴缸(如适用)
  • 镜子和玻璃表面
  • 台面、装置和表面


  • 用真空吸尘器清洁地板、地毯(如适用)
  • 拖地(如适用)
  • 清除清洁过程中产生的垃圾
The End of Lease Cleaning Process




监督员检查房屋各区域并拍摄 "使用前 "照片








客户满意后,主管拍摄 "完成后 "照片,签署确认表,工作即告完成。





所有银行卡支付均由 Stripe 支付公司提供安全保障。


从预订到后期服务支持,我们的客服团队将满足您的所有需求。(周一至周日,上午 9 点至下午 6 点)



Apartment or Houses <50sqm
Distance surcharge applies for homes away from Melbourne CBD.
2.5 小时

End-of-lease cleaning goes beyond the scope of regular cleaning and includes:
- Thorough Wipe Down and Cleaning Of Exterior and Interior Surfaces (including cabinets, Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer/ Dryer)
- High Dusting (up to 2m ceiling height)
- Toilet Descaling
- Clean above, under and behind furniture (movable by a single person)

Optional add-ons for:
- Carpet Cleaning
- Pressure Wash

Apartment or Houses <70sqm
Distance surcharge applies for homes away from Melbourne CBD.
3 小时

End-of-lease cleaning goes beyond the scope of regular cleaning and includes:
- Thorough Wipe Down and Cleaning Of Exterior and Interior Surfaces (including cabinets, Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer/ Dryer)
- High Dusting (up to 2m ceiling height)
- Toilet Descaling
- Clean above, under and behind furniture (movable by a single person)

Optional add-ons for:
- Carpet Cleaning
- Pressure Wash

Apartment or Houses <90sqm
Distance surcharge applies for homes away from Melbourne CBD.
3.5 小时

End-of-lease cleaning goes beyond the scope of regular cleaning and includes:
- Thorough Wipe Down and Cleaning Of Exterior and Interior Surfaces (including cabinets, Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer/ Dryer)
- High Dusting (up to 2m ceiling height)
- Toilet Descaling
- Clean above, under and behind furniture (movable by a single person)

Optional add-ons for:
- Carpet Cleaning
- Pressure Wash

Apartment or Houses <120sqm
Distance surcharge applies for homes away from Melbourne CBD.
4 小时

End-of-lease cleaning goes beyond the scope of regular cleaning and includes:
- Thorough Wipe Down and Cleaning Of Exterior and Interior Surfaces (including cabinets, Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer/ Dryer)
- High Dusting (up to 2m ceiling height)
- Toilet Descaling
- Clean above, under and behind furniture (movable by a single person)

Optional add-ons for:
- Carpet Cleaning
- Pressure Wash

Apartment or Houses <150sqm
Distance surcharge applies for homes away from Melbourne CBD.
4.5 小时

End-of-lease cleaning goes beyond the scope of regular cleaning and includes:
- Thorough Wipe Down and Cleaning Of Exterior and Interior Surfaces (including cabinets, Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer/ Dryer)
- High Dusting (up to 2m ceiling height)
- Toilet Descaling
- Clean above, under and behind furniture (movable by a single person)

Optional add-ons for:
- Carpet Cleaning
- Pressure Wash

Apartment or Houses <180sqm
Distance surcharge applies for homes away from Melbourne CBD.
5 小时

End-of-lease cleaning goes beyond the scope of regular cleaning and includes:
- Thorough Wipe Down and Cleaning Of Exterior and Interior Surfaces (including cabinets, Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer/ Dryer)
- High Dusting (up to 2m ceiling height)
- Toilet Descaling
- Clean above, under and behind furniture (movable by a single person)

Optional add-ons for:
- Carpet Cleaning
- Pressure Wash



What happens if there are damages or issues found during the cleaning?

If our team discovers any damages or issues during the cleaning, we will promptly inform you. Depending on the situation, we can either address minor issues on the spot or recommend further action. We prioritize open communication to ensure a smooth end of lease cleaning experience.

Do I need to provide cleaning equipment and supplies?

No, our professional cleaners come fully equipped with all the necessary cleaning supplies and equipment. You don't have to worry about providing anything for the cleaning process.

Do I need to be present during the end of lease cleaning?

During the cleaning process, it's not mandatory for you to be present.

However, we recommend that you be present during the start and end of process if possible. This allows us to discuss any specific requirements, access issues, or areas of focus directly with you.

How much does your end of lease cleaning service cost?

The cost depends on factors such as the size of the property, its condition, and specific cleaning requirements. We offer transparent pricing, and our team can provide a customized quote based on your needs.

For apartments that fall within our fixed price criteria (within the specified floor area), we offer immediate price quotation and booking via our online booking system

For larger apartments or houses, our quotations are free, customised and obligation-free

What is end of lease cleaning, and why is it necessary?

End of lease cleaning, also known as bond cleaning, is a thorough cleaning process performed before moving out of a rental property. It ensures that the property meets the standards set by the landlord or property manager, allowing you to have your bond returned.

When you choose end of lease cleaning with Nimbus, we offer a 72 hour bond guarantee.

Do you provide bond guarantee?

Yes, for our end-of-lease cleaning, we provide a 72-hour bond guarantee. During this period, we will rectify any cleaning necessary to help you obtain your bond release.

Cleaning rectifications will be limited to what may be cleaned using standard cleaning materials and does not include any rectifications that require handyman services. For example, we can clean surface marks off the wall but we will not be able to fill in any dents or deep scratches.


They will be able to understand and converse in basic conversational English.



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